Sunday, 21 February 2010

Get The Fuck Up!

I've just spent the last week partying in Brighton with some friends, both old and new - and all amazing, which was fantastic. We got bent to a wonky soundtrack all week, especially on the Thurs night at Donkey Pitch w/ Debruit and Slugabed which was rindonkulous! So I thought i'd share with you some rather large ish we were breaking our necks too...

It would be wrong to pigeonhole Slugabed as merely another Dubstep artist trying to cut his own path. With elements of glitched up sounds, 8bit fills, wonky basslines and some off-kilter hip hop drums, he's much more than your run-of-the-mill 140bpm-er. Just check out his latest EP - Ultra Heat Treated. It's full of little gems to get you bouncing!

And here's the first track of his I heard which totally sold me. It's one of, if not THE best remix of Pharoahe Monch's classic slice of hip hop "Simon Says". It keeps all the original aggression, but notches it up to 11 with some serious bassline deviousness making you feeling ten feet tall! Turn this motherfucker UP!

Next up for you to check is a Flying Lotus beat from last year. A serious head nodder on the hip hop side of things, with extra added spacey synths and twinkley bits! It also contains possibly our most quoted saying of the week... SWEET BERRY WINE. It's only short, but perfectly formed...

Now for a totally different sound.

Swiftly moving on from the wonky weavings of bassy hip hop to the more straight-paved slickness of well produced house with an electro twang.
I bring to you a Rory Philips Remix of heartfelt proportions. It's a remix of a tune from 1980 (1980 for fucks sake! I wasn't even alive. That's mad old!!) that includes some understated vocals sitting perfectly on the uplifting, feel good vibe the song creates. The original is from an outfit from San Francisco called The Units who now seem before their time with their synth-punk sounds.
If you do listen to the original (which i recommend), then you can see that Rory hasn't had to do too much to it, as the quality is already there. He's just brought it forward to 2010 and made it dancefloor accessible - of the hands in the air variety. It's a great tune, enjoy the synthery goodness...


And finally, a little BONUS treat for you. A straight-up, brash, uncoof and definitely stupid dubstep remix of Jay Z's 'Big Pimpin' courtesy of Roland Dubbs. It's not big or clever, so don't encourage him. It is, however, a bit of fun. TURN IT UP...a litte louder!
(available for free 320kbps download if you follow the link!)

Jay Z - Big Pimpin' (Roland Dubbs Ridonkulous Remix)

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