Sunday, 23 May 2010

Jam Hot!

There is certain musical terminology that seems to have almost become a taboo subject. Phrases that send the "cool kids" running for the hills while they scoff at the naiivity of the common people for daring to discuss or enjoy such a thing. Phrases such as "funky house".

I like 'house', and I enjoy a bit of funk from time to time. But do I enjoy "funky house"?
Well, if it all sounded like this amazing Tensnake remix of Johnny Dynell's hit "Jam Hot" then I would have to say yes!

This sun-kissed remix brings with it a sumptuous bassline, a sax that isn't overbearing, and a deeper understanding of what turns house music into good house music.

So I say who cares that it has a funky house vibe to it, let the "cool kids" laugh - we all know they're the real twats anyway - plus, it's just damn good music! Go buy it from iTunes for just 79p :D

Infact, it's music that I shall definitely be playing on Brighton Beach next Saturday for a big, BIG Bank Holiday Special (more to come on that ;)

Jaaaaaaam HOT!

JOHNNY DYNELL "Jam Hot" (Tensnake Remix) SNIPPET by Tensnake

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